Thursday, 11 September 2014

Creating Stored Procedures in MYSQL.

A Stored procedure is a set of SQL statements are executed with a single call.(Something like similar to your c program calls).


CREATE PROCEDURE  your_procedure_name(parameters list...)

parameters list were those you specify while calling your procedure.Mysql procedure accept three type of parameters IN,OUT,INOUT.

IN-means your procedure accepting an input parameter.
OUT-means your procedure sends a value as a parameter to the calling one.
INOUT-means combination of in,out.


First I will create a table called country to demonstrate procedures.

MySQL>create table country(name varchar(100),id int(40));

now insert some values in the above table.

MySQL>insert into country values('INDIA',1);
MySQL>insert into country values('USA',2);
MySQL>insert into country values('AUS',3);
MySQL>insert into country values('PAK',1);
MySQL>insert into country values('UK',1);
MySQL>insert into country values('BAN',1);  

lets create a  procedure for retrieving names of country with id 1 by crating procedure.

MySQL>delimiter //

CREATE PROCEDURE  country_procedure(IN cid  int(10))
             select name from country where id=cid;
END  //
MySQL>delimiter ;
Now call the procedure....
MySQL>call country_procedure(1);


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